Thursday, July 25, 2013

Great Men Hide

There is this silent truth that I discovered as I began to meditate through the lives of great men of purpose and destiny in the Holy scripts. There seem to be a time in the lives of each one of them when they were either hidden or went in to hiding by themselves. Was God weak in protecting them? Or is it a principle that God adopts in raising His men? We need to know! In order to be able to take proper steps on our individual journeys to destiny.

Noah was hidden by God in a ship until the floods were past, Moses was hidden by his parents until a time came when he could no longer be hidden, Elijah was hidden by the brook Cherith until God was ready to act, David was divinely kept in the wilderness till the day of his showing unto Israel, Even Saul went to hide behind the stuff until Samuel picked him out. Joseph was divinely kept in the palace prison until the time that his word came, Josiah was divinely hidden until he was ready to displace Athaliah, Mephibosheth was snatched in to hiding until nobody thought any member of Saul’s house was left alive, Elizabeth had to conceal the pregnancy of John the Baptist for several months and top on the list are the several hidings the Lord Jesus had to experience, from the time that Mary stayed with Elizabeth till Herod (they that sought the child’s life) had died and of course the 12 disciples had to wait in an upper room in Jerusalem. The big question here is why did they hide?

Why did they hide?
I believe they neither hid nor were hidden because God was unable to protect them. This is exactly what makes this study very worthwhile. I have seen very spiritual people suffer because of this salient matter and the kingdom of God had lost several generals who stepped out too quickly and lost their lives in return. Why did Jesus have to be taken away from the reach of Herod? Could God not have killed Herod? Certainly! But the answer is simply found in the statement, “That it may be fulfilled according as it was written in the book…” which appears very frequently in scriptures.

Beloved, it looks as if there are some things that God has set ever before you came to be which cannot be altered but be fulfilled. The implication of this is that the safety of Jesus had been predetermined and it had specific dimensions that had to be adhered to if Jesus were to escape premature death though He were the Son of God. It was the Lord’s will that Moses should be hidden while other babies lost their precious lives. It seems to me as if God delights in this strategy to defeat the hordes of hell as they let loose to destroy any precious life that God releases on this earth even from the womb. The wonderful thing is the way God hides them.

Another thing is that this is just the way God chooses to do it. Remember the scripture: in the furnace of affliction thou has chosen me, (Isaiah 48:10).

Beloved, here comes your own responsibility. Whenever you notice that there seems to be some greatness attached to your destiny or you sense a very unique purpose of God over your life. It may be that you are the Lord’s strategy to counter attack a particular move of hell in our land and nation or even in the entire world. Do you sense God raising you to be a deliverer in Israel? You may need to face some hiding just before your day of showing.

Joseph like many of us today, rather than settling down to find the real meaning and implication of his dreams, was busy shouting about a vision he didn’t really understand. Rather than get support, he only succeeded in arousing enemies and men that would attack the purpose of his life. Friend, have you also been a parrot like Joseph? Then get ready for what he got. Most of the times the people we celebrate immaterialized visions with are the people who hate to see it happen. May I advise you to be like Elisha who kept telling those 50 loud prophets that, “I KNOW, HOLD YOUR PEACE!”

There is a time to hide and there is a time to manifest. The truth is, “ONLY HIDDEN THINGS ARE REVEALED”. You may never have any day of manifestation until you have been to the hiding station where God’s great men are prepared. You may have noticed that God has been telling you great things about the future but you seem to be very far from the manifestation of these things. Rather than going out to the public to begin to work them out, why don’t you wait in God’s station until He is ready to manifest you.

Certainly we would not be in hiding forever but only until a time appointed by the father. A time is coming when Jesus will be bold enough to tell Herod that he is a fox and that he cannot do anything to him but that was IN HIS DAY. Remember that he had to run away for the Herod of his beginnings. You may need to avoid today what you will still come and quench tomorrow. This is God’s strategy to disillusion the devil. He told the disciples not to turn in to the way of the Gentiles yet but he ended up using the same disciples to open up the gentile nations for salvation. There is a lesson to learn from this.

EVERY TIME IS NOT YOUR TIME. DO YOU HAVE A PURPOSE? THEN YOU HAVE A TIME. You need to recognize the divine timing over your life and learn not to step ahead of it as well as not to lag behind it. In hiding, God veils your real purpose before the world and leaves them guessing and perceiving that something is about to happen. He takes you through lonely and tough roads as He separates you from all that you've ever been used to. This period is not the time to be shouting around the little secrets that He reveals to you in order to keep you going. You need to know how to nurse your Moses out of public view otherwise the sword of Pharaoh will hit it ever before it grows at all. Take a deep thought now and realize how many dreams you lost in the process of sharing it ever before you did anything about it. Rather than talk or even minister on the purpose of God for your life, WHY DON’T YOU KEEP QUIET AND NURSE THIS VISION TILL IT BEGINS TO SPEAK FOR ITSELF.

I believe several works, dreams and purposes have died already as we kept shouting about it ere we did it or even gained a full understanding of it’s implications. It’s time to repent before another Moses is cut to shreds.

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